We have a history of success.

In 1955, Dick Hendley started a small family-owned business called IH Services in Greenville, South Carolina providing restroom cleaning to gas stations and restaurants.
Dick was a true pioneer in industrial outsourcing. He began providing janitorial services to manufacturing customers who needed around-the-clock cleaning. His vision helped manufacturers outsource indirect jobs, such as sweepers, haulers, packers, cleaners, and allowed clients to focus on their core business — making products — not cleaning up. This was the start of outsourcing as we know it today.
The need for a better quality of cleaning in the textile industry brought IH Services its first industrial client in 1958 — a client still being serviced today and one of the first industrial facilities to outsource janitorial services.
IH Services, has grown steadily by providing quality, consistent services to its customers and a broad range of cleaning and support services. Today, IH Services has a presence in 30+ states offering positive outcomes and solutions to our customers.
IH Services provides clean working environments for industrial, commercial, distribution, healthcare and institutional clients throughout the United States. Our reputation is built on our ability to identify our customers’ needs, and to select, train and manage the right people to meet those needs.